DIY Halloween Décor

DIY Halloween Décor
1. The mummified door

All you need for turning your front door into a bona fide mummy is a generous amount of toilet paper and a bit of masking tape. This project is easier with a helper, so get your kids or your significant other in on the fun!

First, open your front door to a 90-degree angle. Take a roll of toilet paper and tape the first piece to the upper right-hand

Tags: crafts, diy, Halloween, deocrations

5 Apps To Download Before The Holiday Shopping Season

5 Apps To Download Before The Holiday Shopping Season
The Coupons AppThe Coupons App

Look up deals, coupons and special online promo

Tags: apps, holidays, christmas, gifts, Savings

4 Super-Scary Scams To Watch For This Halloween

4 Super-Scary Scams To Watch For This Halloween

Don’t let a Halloween scam spook you! Stay a step ahead of those crooks by looking out for these four scams this season.

1. The shipping scam

The internet is brimming with Halloween-themed stores in the months leading up to Oct. 31. Lots of these retailers offer an impressive selection of costumes, accessories

Tags: Halloween, scams, shipping, fake ticket, bogus purchase, fraudulent offer

Can I Buy A House When I’m Paying Off A Student Loan?

Can I Buy A House When I’m Paying Off A Student Loan?

Q: I graduated college with a huge student loan debt. Since then, I’ve landed a decent job and I’ve been making steady payments toward paying down my loan. Is it possible for me to buy a house while I’m still paying off this debt?

Category: Home Ownership
Tags: mortgages, student loans, buying, home, mortgage

How To Save On Your First Set Of College Textbooks

How To Save On Your First Set Of College Textbooks

Purchasing every textbook you need for class can take a big bite out of your budget. We’re talking huge amounts here: According to the National Association of College Stores, the average college student spends upward of $80 on each new textbook and can sometimes drop as much as $175 on one volume

Tags: textbooks, College, saving, student, back to school

Your Complete Guide To Identity Theft

Your Complete Guide To Identity Theft

Did you know there were 14.4 million victims of identity theft in 2018? According to Javelin Strategy, each case cost the victim an average of $1,050 — and that’s only the cost in dollars. When an individual’s identity is stolen, the thief wreaks major havoc on the victim’s financial health, which can take months

Tags: identity theft, info, protection

11 Ways To Save On Back To School Shopping

11 Ways To Save On Back To School Shopping

Ah, summer! It’s the season of fireworks and fireflies, road trips and rocky road ice cream, baseball and beach balls, flip-flops and ice pops. 

But, just as you’re settling into the laid-back summer routine, retailers start rolling out their back-to-school displays, which may open that pit of dread into your

Tags: shopping, back to school, school, supplies

Access MobiMoney Right From The DVFCU App!

Control your DVFCU Debit Card With MobiMoney!

We have made it EVEN easier to access all the card control functions availble with MobiMoney.

You can now access MobiMoney directly from the DVFCU App! If you have the DVFCU App installed you can access MobiMoney the same way on iOS or Android. Just look for the

Category: Credit Union News
Tags: DVFCU App, MobiMoney, iOs, Android

Check out HomeReady:Advantage from Diamond Valley!

Check out HomeReady:Advantage from Diamond Valley!

The Advantage offers timely rewards and job loss protection, giving eligible home buyers an added advantage that may be used with HomeReady®.

Timely Rewards

Recieve a $500 cash reward by making on-time pyaments at no additional cost. Reward is distributed after your 60th

Category: Home Ownership
Tags: first time buyer, home buying, mortgage, rewards

Beware Emergency Scams!

7 Steps To A Mid-Year Financial Checkup

“Grandma? Is that you?”

“What’s the matter, honey?”

“Grandma, you gotta help me! They’re going to arrest me if I don’t pay the fine — and I lost my wallet! I don’t have a penny on me or any ID. Can you wire me some money?”

Does this sound like a phone call that can really tug at your heartstrings? It’s actually

Tags: scams, emergency
