12 Steps to Financial Wellness - Step 8: Know When and How to Indulge

Step 8: Know When and How to Indulge

Now that you know how to spend mindfully, pay it forward, and regularly set aside money for savings, you’re ready to learn how to indulge in the occasional expensive treat–responsibly.

Many people equate financial health with a life of deprivation, but this is far from the truth. In fact, living a life of true financial wellness means being

12 Steps to Financial Wellness - Step 6: Pay It Forward

12 Steps to Financial Wellness - Step 6: Pay It Forward

Now that you’ve started paying down debt, you and your partner have tackled big money issues, and you’ve mastered the art of spending mindfully, you’re now ready to think beyond your own needs by learning how to pay it forward.

Money management can sometimes feel inherently selfish. You’re earning,

Introducing Diamond Valley Gives Back and Supports Local!

Refer A Friend Is Expanding!

Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union opened its doors as Whirlpool Employee’s Federal Credit Union on February 14th, 1961. To celebrate our 60 years of serving our community, we are expanding our Refer-A-Friend program to benefit parts of our community that give back so much.

With the challenges of

Category: Credit Union News