Beware of Job Scams

Beware of Job Scams

It’s an amazing employment opportunity – or is it? Scammers often hijack the job market and ensnare hopeful job seekers into their schemes. If you’re job-hunting, it’s a good idea to review the way these scams play out and how you can avoid them. To help you out, we’ve put together a short primer on what you need to know to stay safe from job scams. 


Don’t Get Caught in a QR Code Scam

Don’t Get Caught in a QR Code Scam

Scammers never take a break from dreaming up new ways to con people out of their money. Recently, they’ve even been hijacking QR codes to pull scams on innocent victims. Here’s all you need to know about QR code scams and how to avoid them. 

What’s a QR code? 

Before we can explore the details of these scams,

Beware of Sport Ticket Scams

Beware of Sport Ticket Scams

There’s nothing quite like watching sports live. The energy, the cheers, the game! But tickets to live sporting events can be pricey, and scammers know this well. They’ve come up with all sorts of scams involving the sale of sport tickets, and often, they succeed at conning innocent victims out of their money. Here’s what you need to know about sport ticket scams

Beware of Debt Relief Scams

Beware of Debt Relief Scams

High debt can be a beast, taking huge bites out of a household or personal budget and destroying any chance of financial wellness. To make matters worse, being in high debt can mean being stuck in a desperate cycle that never ends, as payback is often accompanied by high interest rates that make it nearly impossible to get ahead. Unfortunately, scammers

Don’t Get Caught up in a Tax Return Scam!

Don’t Get Caught up in a Tax Return Scam!

It’s tax season, and while that may mean you’re drowning in forms and paperwork, for scammers it means millions of taxpayers they can potentially dupe out of refunds or scare into making irrational moves. Here’s what you need to know about tax return scams and how to avoid them.

How the scams play

Don’t Answer Calls from These Area Codes

Image of a woman who is angry looking at her phone

Robocalls have got to be one the most annoying inventions of the 21st century. Unfortunately, those phone calls can do a lot more than disrupt your dinner to send you running to the phone just to hear about an offer for an extended warranty on your car. Using sophisticated spoofing methods and dogged persistence, they can swindle

All You Need to Know About Multifactor Authentication

All You Need to Know About Multifactor Authentication

In our digital world, passwords are as much a part of our lives as Netflix and Amazon. Keeping information stored in dozens of accounts across the web can make it easier to stay on top of your finances, order a new pair of jeans or even schedule a dentist appointment. Unfortunately, though, passwords can be relatively easy for

Beware Cryptocurrency Scams

Beware Cryptocurrency Scams

As one of the hottest investments on the market, cryptocurrency has been enjoying the spotlight for quite a while, and scammers are eager to cash in on the excitement. Cryptocurrency scams are particularly nefarious since the digital currency is not regulated by any government, and once it has transferred hands it usually cannot be reclaimed. Here’s

Don’t Get Spooked by One of these Scams this Halloween!

Don’t Get Spooked by One of these Scams this Halloween!

That cackling, long-haired witch might send your heart fluttering with fear, but these Halloween scams are even spookier! Here’s what to know about these common Halloween scams. 

 1. The Joker

Desperate for money before the holiday shopping season hits? Looking to pad your

Smishing Scam Alert!

Smishing Scam Alert!

We have recently become aware of a text message that appears to be a fraud alert from Diamond Valley. An example of the text message a member received appears in the photo above. 

The member reported that once she responded to the text, she was immediately called from another number. The person on the other end asked for the member's PIN

Category: Credit Union News
Tags: alert, scam, text, smishing
