Beware Coronavirus Vaccine Scams

Beware Coronavirus Vaccine Scams

After months of confusion and fear, there is finally a light at the end of the socially distanced tunnel: the FDA has approved two coronavirus vaccines. Detailed plans to distribute from pharmaceutical companies Pfizer and Moderna are already underway, with additional vaccines expected to gain FDA approval in 2021.

Unfortunately, whenever

Don’t Get Caught in a Weight-Loss Scam!

Don’t Get Caught in a Weight-Loss Scam!

January is prime time to get into shape

This year in particular, many Americans are struggling to shed the “quarantine 15,” or the pounds packed on during all those months when life happened over Zoom and nobody saw what you were wearing below the waist. In fact, the snack company that brings us Oreo cookies and Ritz

Indiana Department of Revenue Warns of Tax Text Scam

Indiana Department of Revenue Warns of Tax Text Scam

The Coronavirus pandemic has seen a rise in a number of scams. Among them include scams involving Unemployment,

Political Fundraising Scams

Political Fundraising Scams

Election fever is now at an all-time high — and so are election scams. From schemes that steal your vote to ones promising dream (albeit, bogus) vacations in exchange for participation in a poll or survey, there’s no shortage of scams centering on elections.

The Better

IRS Reveals List of Dirty Dozen Tax Scams for 2020

IRS Reveals List of Dirty Dozen Tax Scams for 2020

Each year, the IRS publishes the “Dirty Dozen,” a list of tax scams most prevalent during that year’s tax season. This year, with COVID-19 pushing off the federal tax deadline to July 15, the IRS held off publishing the list until early July, and of course it’s loaded with COVID-19-related scams.

Beware Unemployment Scams

Beware Unemployment Scams

Tens of millions of Americans have found themselves out of work as the economy reels from the impact of COVID-19. A record 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance in the four weeks leading up to April 11.

Unfortunately, when there’s bad news, the scammers aren’t far behind. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Americans have lost

Category: Credit Union News

Beware of Coronavirus Scams!

Beware of Coronavirus Scams

Scammers are notorious for capitalizing on fear, and the coronavirus outbreak is no exception. Showing an appalling lack of the most basic morals, scammers have set up fake websites, bogus funding collections and more in an effort to trick the fearful and unsuspecting out of their money.

The World Health Organization (WHO)

Waging War Against Porch Pirates

Waging War Against Porch Pirates

Ahoy, mateys!

Holiday shopping season is upon us and your (not-so) friendly neighborhood porch pirates are gearing up to pilfer the holiday treasures being delivered to your doorstep.
We’ve all seen the familiar footage from a home security camera: a fish-eye view of a home’s front porch sporting a stack of smiling Amazon Prime boxes. An unexpected car

Don’t Get Scammed By Santa!

Don’t Get Scammed By Santa!


Someone’s been naughty this year-and we’re not talking about you! Those awful scammers don’t take time out for the holidays, and if you don’t know what to expect you can be their next victim.

One of the oldest holiday scams, which is even more prevalent in the age of the internet, is the letter-from-Santa scam.

Here’s all you

4 Scams To Avoid This Cyber Monday

4 Scams To Avoid This Cyber Monday
  1. Bogus Deals – Don’t believe an advertised price that is ridiculously low. It may be a scam and you’ll never get the goods you order.
  2. Bait & Switch Sweepstakes – Never share your personal details on a site whose authenticity you can’t
