Is Black Friday Shopping Worth the Hassle?

Is Black Friday Shopping Worth the Hassle?

Q: It’s only early November, and I’m already getting ad-bombed for Black Friday sales. I’ve always been an avid sales shopper, but after so many Black Fridays spent weaving through crowds to chase down big deals and often coming home disappointed, I’m wondering if it’s worth it. Should I

10 Hacks for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving That Doesn’t Break the Bank

10 Hacks for a Stress-Free Thanksgiving That Doesn’t Break the Bank

Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is an enjoyable, rewarding experience, but it can also be a bit much for many of us. The expenses can be sky-high, the to-do list seems endless and the dinner itself can be a harried and breathless affair that puts a

How to Celebrate Thanksgiving During COVID-19

It’s turkey season! But this year, due to the COVID-19 environment we’re experiencing, the holiday festivities will look a bit different than before. With some precautionary measures and careful planning, though, you can celebrate Thanksgiving in the era of the coronavirus without compromising on your health or safety. Here’s how:

Planning a Thanksgiving dinner

If you plan on hosting an in-

Thanksgiving Hacks To Save Time, Stress And Money

Thanksgiving Hacks To Save Time, Stress And Money

Thanksgiving prep stressing you out? Wondering how you’re going to get everything done in time for the big day and stick to your budget at the same time?

We’re here to help! Whether you’re travelling home for the holiday or hosting a houseful of guests, we’ve got you covered. Diamond Valley is proud to present 15

10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Credit Union

10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Credit Union
10 Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Credit Union

We often take life’s many gifts for granted by failing to appreciate them deeply enough. Thanksgiving offers the perfect opportunity to reflect upon everything that is wonderful in our lives and to show our gratitude for each and every gift we’ve been given. 

Category: Credit Union News