12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 5: Practice Mindful Spending

Creating a budget and deciding to stick to it is easy; it’s actually carrying through on your plan that’s the hard part. For too many people, financial responsibility ends at having good intentions and real life gets in the way of all well-laid plans. A large part of the discrepancy between

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 4: Have the Money Talk with Your Partner

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 4: Have the Money Talk with Your Partner

You’ve tracked your spending, created a budget, worked on ridding yourself of debt, and are well on your way to a financially secure life. Now you’re ready for step four, in which you’ll have the money talk with your partner.

Talking finances with your partner may

12 Steps to Financial Wellness - Step 3: Pay Down Debt

Step 3: Pay Down Debt

You’ve tracked your spending, designed a budget for your monthly expenses, and you’re well on your way to financial wellness. In this next step, you’ll create a

12 Steps to Financial Wellness - Step 2: Creating a Budget

Step 2: Creating a Budget

Are you ready to join us on a journey toward financial wellness? Each month, Diamond Valley will focus on one step of a journey of financial wellness. We’ll tackle the topic in detail and help you learn all you need to know about this step. Follow along, and at the end of the year, you’ll have mastered the tools for a life of financial wellness.

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 1: How to Track Your Spending

12 Steps to Financial Wellness-Step 1: How to Track Your Spending

Are you ready to join us on a journey toward financial wellness?
Each month, Diamond Valley will focus on one step of a journey of financial wellness. We’ll tackle the topic in detail and help you learn all you need to know about this step. Follow along, and at the end of the year, you’ll have