How To Create A Budget In 6 Easy Steps

How To Create A Budget In 6 Easy Steps

Who needs a budget anyway?

If you’re always wondering how you’re going to pay the next bill, feel guilty when you indulge in overpriced treats and you can’t seem to find money to put into savings, then you probably need a budget.

A budget is not a magic potion that will automatically solve all of your money problems, but it will help

12 Things To Do Before Your Summer Getaway

12 Things To Do Before Your Summer Getaway

Your bags are packed, your itinerary is set and you’re counting down the minutes until you take off for your dream summer getaway. Before you head out to the airport, though, read through this checklist of important things people tend to forget before leaving for vacation. 

1.) Let us know

Tags: vacation, to do, list

7 Ways To De-Stress For Less!

7 Ways To De-Stress For Less!
7 Ways To De-Stress For Less!

Winter doldrums got you down? The empty calendar making you feel blue? Don’t pull out your wallet for some “retail therapy” just yet! 

Right now is the time of year when the blues hit the hardest, so many people turn to their favorite foods, a round of shopping or some other costly means of escape. However

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: Destress, ideas, tips, list

5 Common Tax Mistakes To Avoid

5 Common Tax Mistakes To Avoid
5 Common Tax Mistakes To Avoid
  1. Faulty Math – A small miscalculation can throw off all your numbers and get you into trouble with the IRS.
  2. Name Changes and Misspellings – If you’ve recently changed your legal name, let the Social Security Administration know.
  3. Omitting
Tags: Taxes, mistakes, tips, list