Your Complete Year-End Financial Checklist

Image of a woman sitting in bed, wearing headphones, using a laptop.

As 2021 draws to a close and we prepare to usher in 2022, take a moment to go through this year-end financial checklist for ensuring your finances are in order before the start of the New Year.

1.Review your budget

Is your monthly budget still working well for you? Are you

6 Steps to Crushing Debt

6 Steps to Crushing Debt

You and debt are so over. You’ve just about had it with those endless piles of credit card bills and those hideous numbers that never seem to get any lower. It’s time to kiss that debt goodbye!
Getting rid of high debt will take hard work, willpower and the determination to see it through until the end, but it is doable. Here, we’ve outlined six steps to help you start crushing

Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring Clean Your Finances

Spring is a great time of year to clear your house of accumulated junk and make it sparkle. Why not do the same for your finances? Junk can accumulate there, too. In fact, some of your money matters may need a good wipe down this season. It is especially true this year, when many Americans are still recovering from the financial fallout of COVID-19, or

National Credit Education Month - March 2020

March is National Credit Education Month

National Credit Education month is 31 days when Americans are urged to take another look at their finances. This can be done by reviewing your credit report, paying off debt, or putting money in a savings account. The most important part of this month is taking a look at your credit and

The Importance of Being Financially Fit

The Importance of Being Financially Fit

Are you ready to stretch those financial fitness muscles? We hope so, because it’s time to get financially fit!

Being financially fit means living a life of complete financial responsibility. The Center for Financial Services Innovation (CFSI), also known as the Financial Health Network, defines four basic

How To Create A Budget In 6 Easy Steps

How To Create A Budget In 6 Easy Steps

Who needs a budget anyway?

If you’re always wondering how you’re going to pay the next bill, feel guilty when you indulge in overpriced treats and you can’t seem to find money to put into savings, then you probably need a budget.

A budget is not a magic potion that will automatically solve all of your money problems, but it will help

Ask About ValueCheck From Diamond Valley!

Ask About ValueCheck From Diamond Valley

When was the last time a financial institution asked you “What are your financial goals?” When you get a ValueCheck at Diamond Valley, this is one of the first questions we ask. ValueCheck is a program where “Our Focus Is Your Future” is more than just a tag line for our Credit Union.

When you come in

Category: Credit Union News

7 Signs You're Living Beyond Your Means

7 Signs You're Living Beyond Your Means
7 Signs You're Living Beyond Your Means

In the age of plastic spending and mobile payments, it’s easier than ever to buy stuff you can’t pay for right away while supporting a lifestyle you can’t really afford. 

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6 New Year's Resolutions For A Financially Improved You

6 New Year's Resolutions For A Financially Improved You
  1. Increase your savings. Even if it’s only by 5%, every little bit adds up.
  2. Cut out one impulse purchase a week.
  3. Trim your electricity bills by making sure your appliances are all running efficiently and conserving as much energy as possible.