12 Steps to Financial Wellness - Step 9: Build and Maintain an Excellent Credit Score

Step 9: Build and Maintain an Excellent Credit Score

Your credit score is a crucial part of your financial health. The three little numbers measure the capacity of your credit, the proficiency of your money management and your fiscal responsibility. An excellent credit score can open the door to large loans with better interest rates, as well as employment opportunities

Your Complete Year-End Financial Checklist

Image of a woman sitting in bed, wearing headphones, using a laptop.

As 2021 draws to a close and we prepare to usher in 2022, take a moment to go through this year-end financial checklist for ensuring your finances are in order before the start of the New Year.

1.Review your budget

Is your monthly budget still working well for you? Are you

6 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score

6 Ways To Boost Your Credit Score

An excellent credit score is the ultimate goal of the financially responsible consumer. Those three magic digits tell a story of accountability, good financial sense, and the ability to spend mindfully. A great credit score also unlocks doors for large, affordable loans; employment opportunities, and more.
Its significance notwithstanding, achieving and

6 Steps to Crushing Debt

6 Steps to Crushing Debt

You and debt are so over. You’ve just about had it with those endless piles of credit card bills and those hideous numbers that never seem to get any lower. It’s time to kiss that debt goodbye!
Getting rid of high debt will take hard work, willpower and the determination to see it through until the end, but it is doable. Here, we’ve outlined six steps to help you start crushing

National Credit Education Month - March 2020

March is National Credit Education Month

National Credit Education month is 31 days when Americans are urged to take another look at their finances. This can be done by reviewing your credit report, paying off debt, or putting money in a savings account. The most important part of this month is taking a look at your credit and

Credit Builder Loan - Exclusively Available from Diamond Valley!

Credit Builder
Credit Builder Loan - Exclusively from Diamond Valley!
  • No Credit?
  • Limited Credit?
  • Need help repairing your credit?

We have a program just for you!

Establishing or building credit can seem like an impossible and confusing task at times. Sometimes you just need a

Category: Financial Wellness