Which Home Improvement Projects Can I Do Myself?

Which Home Improvement Projects Can I Do Myself?

Q: I’d love to fix up my home this summer, but I can’t afford to do a full-blown renovation. Are there any home improvement projects I can do myself?

A: Absolutely! With a bit of creativity, the right tools, instructions and

What Kind of Home Improvement Projects Will Add Value to My Home?

What Kind of Home Improvement Projects Will Add Value to My Home?

Q: I’m doing some work on my house this spring, and I’m wondering how I can increase my home’s value along the way. What kind of home improvement projects can add value to my home?


Best Times to Buy: Homes

Best Times to Buy: Homes

Your home will likely be the most expensive item you’ll ever buy. Consequently, it is of utmost importance that you time your purchase right and learn the best time of year to buy a home. Of course, aside from the season, market conditions – like mortgage rates and the general state of the economy – will significantly impact the price of your new home as well. There is

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Purchasing a new home is a major endeavor that can take months to complete while involving several important steps. There’s money to be paid, forms to fill out and sensitive information to share. Unfortunately, scammers know this well, so they’re out to hijack the most crucial part of the process: the closing. Closing on a home is an exciting and often

Time to Move or Time to Improve? Moving Vs. Home Improvement

Time to Move or Time to Improve? Moving Vs. Home Improvement

Q: My family is growing out of our current home and we’re desperate for more living space. My house can also use a major face-lift. I’m wondering: should I move to a new house, or make some major improvements to my current home?


All You Need to Know About Buying a Home in 2023

All You Need to Know About Buying a Home in 2023

If you’re planning to buy a home this year, you likely know you won’t be dealing with typical circumstances. The real estate market has been completely upended by the pandemic along with its ensuing financial fallout, and it has yet to recover. While the extreme market conditions that characterized the last two years are

My House Skyrocketed in Value. Now What?

My House Skyrocketed in Value. Now What?

Q: The value of my house has shot up a lot in recent months. What steps should I take now?

A: The flaming real estate market means homes are rising in value at a meteoric rate. In fact, in some areas of the country, properties have doubled in value over the last

How to Prepare Your Home for Spring

How to Prepare Your Home for Spring

Winter is on its way out, and spring is on its way in. That means it’s time to stop hibernating and get outside! Before you do, though, you’ll need to help your home recover from the damage incurred during winter and take steps to prepare it for spring. Don’t stress about what you need to do; just follow our lead with these six steps for preparing your

Should I Sell My House Now?

Q: Is 2021 a good time to sell my home?


A: While it appears to be a seller’s market, and the perfect time to put your home up for sale, there are many variables to consider before going forward. Below, we’ve outlined important points to know about today’s market so you can make an informed decision about selling your home in 2021.

Essential Tools for Every New Homeowner

Essential Tools for Every New Homeowner

As a new homeowner, you likely have a long list of items you need or want to purchase for your new digs. From welcome mats to plungers and wall hangings, there’s lots to buy in the first weeks after moving day. As you browse through window treatments and home decor, don’t forget to stock up on the basic tools every new homeowner needs.
A well-stocked
