Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Beware Mortgage Closing Scams

Purchasing a new home is a major endeavor that can take months to complete while involving several important steps. There’s money to be paid, forms to fill out and sensitive information to share. Unfortunately, scammers know this well, so they’re out to hijack the most crucial part of the process: the closing. Closing on a home is an exciting and often

What are Some Red Flags to Know About When House-Hunting?

What are Some Red Flags to Know About When House-Hunting?

Q: I’m currently house-hunting, and aside from the obvious defects, what are some red flags I should be looking out for while checking out potential new homes?

A: When looking for a new home, it’s important to be familiar with

All You Need To Know About Home Loans

All You Need To Know About Home Loans

Here at Diamond Valley, we provide a variety of products and services to meet your specific financial needs and in the most ideal ways possible. One such example is our home loans. Let’s take a closer look at this product and how its application process works.

What is a home loan?

A home loan, or a mortgage,

Category: Home Ownership

Can I Buy A House When I’m Paying Off A Student Loan?

Can I Buy A House When I’m Paying Off A Student Loan?

Q: I graduated college with a huge student loan debt. Since then, I’ve landed a decent job and I’ve been making steady payments toward paying down my loan. Is it possible for me to buy a house while I’m still paying off this debt?

Category: Home Ownership

House Hunting Real Estate Apps

House Hunting Real Estate Apps
House Hunting Real Estate Apps

If you’re looking for a new home this season, why not start your search from the comfort of your living room couch? 

Thanks to the many real estate apps and websites, searching for a new home in 2019 is worlds away from what it was just a couple decades back. You can

Category: Home Ownership

Mortgage Rates Are Dropping; Should I Refinance?

Mortgage Rates Are Dropping; Should I Refinance?
Mortgage Rates Are Dropping; Should I Refinance?

Q: I’ve heard that mortgage rates have dropped dramatically since the start of 2019. Should I refinance my mortgage loan to take advantage of these lower rates? 

A: Refinancing a mortgage is

Category: Home Ownership

To Refi or Not to Refi? That is the question

To Refi or Not to Refi? That is the question
To Refi or Not to Refi? That is the question

Every time the mortgage rates drop, it’s tempting to make a call to your credit union to see what kind of a deal you can get to refinance your home. Before you make that call, take a moment to learn why

Category: Home Ownership

Should I Be Concerned About Rising Mortgage Rates?

Should I Be Concerned About Rising Mortgage Rates?
Should I Be Concerned About Rising Mortgage Rates?

On June 13th, the Federal Funds Target rate was officially raised by .25%. This increase marks the second time interest rates were raised in 2018 and experts expect another two increases this year. 

The rate increase was prompted by optimistic

Category: Financial Wellness

The 20% Down Myth

The 20% Down Myth
The 20% Down Myth

Are you desperate to own a home of your own? 
If that’s your dream, you are likely saving up, dollar by hard-earned dollar, until you have that magic number: 20% of your dream home’s total value. That’s what all the experts say, right? 
For the average American home, 20% amounts to a pretty big number. Throw in closing costs and you’

Category: Home Ownership