Why Your Child Should Have A Savings Account

Why Your Child Should Have A Savings Account

Kids these days are growing up with more access to financial products than ever before. From debit cards to mobile apps and specialty accounts, they have so many options when it comes to managing their money. In honor of Youth Month, let’s take a look at why it can be a good idea to open a savings account for your child. 

How do I Raise my Kids to be Financially Independent Adults?

How do I Raise my Kids to be Financially Independent Adults?

Q: How do I raise my kids to become financially independent adults?

A: It’s commendable to try raising your kids today with an eye toward their future. Teaching your children how to be financially independent will help smooth

Can Halloween be Celebrated Safely This Year?

Can Halloween be Celebrated Safely This Year?

Q: With COVID-19 still disrupting all kinds of plans, I’m wondering about Halloween celebrations this year. Is there any way to safely celebrate Halloween in 2020?

A: How to safely celebrate this year is a question that’s frightening Halloween lovers all

Fun Activities to do with Your Kids at Home

Fun Activities to do with Your Kids at Home

It isn’t easy to be holed up at home with just your family for company. After two days, you may be thinking there isn’t enough coffee or chocolate in this world for a parent who’s stuck home with their kids for weeks at a time. As the parent, though, you have the unique opportunity to set the tone in your home and decide

9 Ways For Kids To Make Money

9 Ways For Kids To Make Money
9 Ways For Kids To Make Money

The best way to teach a child financial responsibility is by encouraging her to earn and manage money on her own. As the weather warms and summer nears, there are many opportunities for your kids to pull in some extra money. 

If money-making is not on your children’s minds, you may need to direct

Category: Financial Wellness
Tags: kids, money, divy

7 Easy Ways To Give Your Kids A Financial Education

  1. Take your kids with you on your next visit to Diamond Valley Federal Credit Union!
  2. Let them watch you balance your checkbook.
  3. Show your kids how you pay your bills so they know that electricity, water, gas, phones and cable all cost money.
  4. Give them a budget for an item they want, and let them choose which one to buy.
  5. Let your kids work to pay for an expensive gadget or a special trip they really want.
  6. Help them open their own small business.
  7. Let your kids see you occasionally leave a store without buying anything
Category: Credit Union News